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How to Get 10,000 Likes on Tiktok in One Day

How to Get 10,000 Likes on Tiktok in One Day
How to Get 10,000 Likes on Tiktok in One Day


Todayā€™s social media landscape is extremely saturated. Everyone and their dog has a profile on one of the popular networks ā€“ so how can you stand out? With TikTok being the latest social media app to take over the world, we have uncovered some insider info on how to get 10K likes on your first video and make your account blow up overnight. Before we dive in, keep in mind that these tips are not for everyone. If youā€™re uncomfortable doing something unnatural or inappropriate, then this article may not be for you. Readers should also be aware that using these methods may put your privacy at risk. If you feel comfortable with giving away your personal information, photos, or videos for virtual likes and followers, then read onā€¦

What is TikTok?

TikTok is a social media app that allows users to create 15 second videos and post them for their followers to see. These videos can be altered with music, filters, and other special effects, turning TikTok into a fun mini-blogging platform that allows you to express yourself creatively. With a community of over 500 million users worldwide, TikTok has become increasingly popular among teens. If youā€™re looking to grow a large following, getting 10K likes for your first video can help you grow your TikTok account quickly and easily.

Final Tips to Get 10,000 Likes on Tiktok

With all of this information in mind, you might be wondering how exactly you can get 10,000 likes on TikTok in one day. Here are a few final tips to increase your chances of success: Treat your first video as an introduction to your followers: TikTok users are curious about everything, and they are likely to click on and watch your first video. With this in mind, itā€™s important to make your video as eye-catching as possible. Pair your video with an enticing Bio: TikTok users are likely to click on your Bio after viewing your video. Create an enticing Bio with a short yet informative description of yourself and your interests ā€“ this will help you net more followers who are interested in you.

How to get 10,000 likes on TikTok in one day: Step 1: Find the right influencers

One of the first steps to getting 10K likes on TikTok is finding the right influencers to collaborate with. Influencers are people with large TikTok followings who are willing to promote other usersā€™ products or services in exchange for money. These people are extremely powerful in the TikTok world, so finding and contacting the right one for your needs will help you get your first video to go viral. How do you find influencers? TikTok often features popular users in their ā€œPopular on TikTokā€ section at the top of the home page. If you are not featured, you can reach out to TikTok on social media and ask them to feature your account. While it is possible to find influencers on TikTok, it is much easier to find them on other social media networks. Many influencers advertise their services on other social media sites, so you can find them and contact them outside the TikTok network. You can also use a website like SocialBlade to track down influencers.

How to get 10,000 likes on TikTok in one day: Step 2: Come up with an idea for your video

After finding the right influencers to work with, you will need to come up with an idea for your video. Although you can choose any type of video to post on your account, you should choose something that will make you stand out from the rest of the TikTok crowd. Here are some ideas you can use to get 10K likes on your first video: - TikTok game challenge: Create a video where you do an activity from a TikTok game to prove you are better than the creator. TikTok is famous for its gaming culture, so this will likely get a ton of attention from other players. - TikTok influencer challenge: Create a video where you recreate a popular TikTok video, but do it better than the original influencer. This can be a great way to show off your TikTok skills while also taking a shot at the influencer community ā€“ a great way to get attention. - TikTok story challenge: Create a video where you attempt to finish a TikTok story better than the original creator. TikTok stories are extremely popular, so this is a great way to show off your TikTok skills and get attention.

How to get 10,000 likes on TikTok in one day: Step 3: Filming and editing

After you have your story ideas planned out, itā€™s time to film your first video. - First, make sure you have the right equipment to film your video. If you are working with an influencer, they may have the proper equipment, but if you are filming on your own, you will need a good camera. - Next, choose the right location to film your video. You want to make your video as eye-catching as possible, so you may want to consider filming outdoors in a lush green forest, on the beach, or on a rooftop. - Finally, edit your video. TikTok allows 10 second videos, and you do not have a lot of time to catch your followersā€™ attention. Make sure your video is edited down to the perfect length.


These tips will help you get 10,000 likes on TikTok in one day. Getting likes on your first video is important because it shows your followers that you are serious about posting content on your account. If you follow these tips, you can get 10K likes on your first video, which will help you go viral and grow your following quickly and easily. These tips are not for everyone, so if you are uncomfortable doing something unnatural or inappropriate, you may want to skip them.